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Aron Export - Import

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Importer, Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 11 - 50
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 1994

Sport & Entertainment

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Firm Rank: 0

Ladies and Gentleman,
Dear Friends,

we have a long tradition of fine craftsmanship and offer an extensiveselection of four wheeled, carts and sleights to fit horses, ponies and miniature horses.

Our models include carriages carts suitable for pleasure driving, training, and competition driving up through FEI level. All the vehicles are TUV certified.

Our models include traditional carriages styles such as: Wagonettes, Gigs, Spiders, Phaetons, Brakes, Victorias, Vis a Vis and Landaus. We also have modern competition and training vehicles. We carry high quality carriage lamps, leather harness and other accessories.

The vehicles can be customized to fit both you and your equine. We would like be happy to design for you a carriage that meets your wishes.

With best regards
Your "Aron" Team

Address data

Street:Małachowo 56
Postal code:63-140
Region:Greater Poland
Phone: +48 61 2818106
Fax: +48 61 2818106


Contact person

Name and Surname: Krzysztof Szczepaniak
Phone: +48 61 2819392
Mobile: +48 602107080
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